How to Add Team Members to a Reporting Framework

Adding an Overview Page to a Reporting Framework creates a space to add links to reports and add a unique or branded background to your framework. 

>>> This article is for Researchers and Insights Experts.

To add an Overview Page to Reporting Framework: 

  1. Go to your Reporting Inbox
  2. Navigate to the Reporting Framework tab
  3. Click on the Plus Sign Icon in the top right corner
  4. Select Add Overview Page

A new window will pop up where you can add a title, thumbnail image, and description for the widget.

  1. Add a descriptive title
  2. Upload an image – this will be visible to users in Search and on the Reporting Overview Tile
  3. Enter a clear and concise description
  4. Select your audience
  5. Click the Done button

Your overview page will be automatically created, and you can start editing the content.

Insider Tips: 

  • Only internal experts with special platform permission can edit Reporting Frameworks
  • You can only edit Reporting Frameworks if your platform has been configured to include the Reporting module


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