How to Use the Reporting Framework

Your platform’s Reporting Framework is the tool that allows you to curate and structure reporting data and resources in a way that enables your user community to easily find and use the reporting data they need.  

It is the space where you create the Report Overview – a central space that displays connections to Reporting Channels. You can also build Reporting Channel Groups to combine the content from different Reporting Channels into a single space. 

>>> This article is for Researchers and Insights Experts.

To use the Reporting Framework: 

  1. Go to your Reporting Inbox
  2. Navigate to the Reporting Framework tab

You will find three tabs – Reporting Framework, Settings, and Team.


Reporting Framework:

Where you can create and edit Overview Pages and Reporting Channel Groups which define how the wider user can see and use your platform’s Reporting module


Where you can update the title of a framework and change the target audience


Allows you to update the owners of the framework

Before getting started with the Reporting Framework, create one or more Reporting Channels.

You can then come back to the framework area and use the channels to curate reporting data.

Insider Tips: 

  • Only internal experts with special platform permission can edit Reporting Frameworks
  • You can only edit Reporting Frameworks if your platform has been configured to include the Reporting module


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