Deleting a section from a Reporting Framework removes unneeded content and provides an opportunity to include alternative information and data.
To delete a section from a Reporting Framework:
- Go to your Reporting Inbox
- Navigate to the Reporting Framework tab
- Select the Reporting Framework where you want to delete a section
Your next view will contain a list of all the sections in your framework.
- Find the section you want to delete
- Click on the Three Dot Icon on the left of the section title
- Select Delete
A window will pop up asking you if you want to delete the channel from your platform.
- Click Delete if you are sure you want to delete the channel
The section will be immediately removed from your platform.
Insider Tips:
- Only internal experts with special platform permission can edit Reporting Frameworks
- If you delete a section from a Reporting Framework, all the content in the section will be permanently deleted from your platform – be sure you do not need that content anymore
- You can only edit Reporting Frameworks if your platform has been configured to include the Reporting module