How to Delete a Quick Link

Deleting a Quick Links removes it from the Quick Links Channel and your target audience’s platform.

>>> This article is for Researchers and Insights Experts.

To delete a Quick Link: 

  1. Go to the Links section from the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Switch to the Curate view at the top of the page


The Quick Link channels inbox will open.

  1. Find and select the Quick Links Channel you want to edit by clicking on it 

You will see all the links within the channel in the next view. 

  1. Hover your cursor over the tile of the link that you want to edit

  2. Click on the Trash Can icon j2.png that appears on the right side of the tile


A new window will pop up asking you to confirm that you want to delete the channel. 

  1. Confirm by clicking “Delete” in the bottom right corner of the window 

The Quick Link will be immediately and irreversibly deleted from your platform.


Insider Tips: 

  • If you delete a Quick Link from the system, it will be permanently deleted from your platform – be sure that you do not need that content anymore  

  • Only internal experts with special platform permissions can delete Quick Links 

  • All channel owners can delete Quick Links

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