Moving a Quick Link to the front ensures that the most important resources take the first position within the Quick Links channel and appear prominently on the target audience’s Homepage, making them easily noticeable and accessible.
>>> This article is for Researchers and Insights Experts.
How to move links to the front of the channel:
Go to the Links section from the left-hand navigation bar
Switch to the Curate view at the top of the page
The Quick Link channels inbox will open.
Select and click on the Quick Links Channel where you want to reorder links
You will see all the links within the channel in the next view.
Hover your cursor over the tile of the link that you want to edit
Click on the Move to Front icon that appears on the right side of the tile
The Quick Link tile will move to the first position.
If the “Show on Home” toggle is enabled for this channel, the link will appear at the front of the Quick Links widget on your target audience’s Homepage until a new link is added or updated.
Insider Tips:
“Show on Home“ toggle is available only if Quick Links are enabled for the Homepage by your platform's administrator
When multiple channels are pushed to the Homepage, the most recently updated or added links from these channels will take priority