How to Add a Link to a Quick Links Channel

Adding links to a Quick Link Channel helps you to keep your channel up to date with the most relevant resources and ensures your target audience can easily access key tools.

>>> This article is for Researchers and Insights Experts.

To add a link to your Quick Link Channel: 

  1. Go to the Links section from the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Switch to the Curate view at the top of the page


The Quick Link channels inbox will open.

  1. Click on the Quick Link Channel where you want to add links

  2. Click on the Plus Sign icon f2.png in the top right corner of the inbox 


A new window will pop up where you will be prompted to enter key link information.

  1. Enter a descriptive title 

  2. Paste the URL in the “Redirection link” field 

  3. Click in the center of the image drop zone to upload an image for your link

You will have two options for your image – upload the image from your device or add the image address.

  1. Select your preferred option from the dropdown 

Once you upload the image, you can toggle on “Hide Name” to keep the name from displaying on the quick link tile.

  1. Select the source icon for your link

  2. Click “Done” in the bottom right corner of the window once you are done 

Your link will be immediately accessible to your selected audience.


Insider Tips: 

  • Only internal experts with special platform permissions can create Quick Links channels 

  • Be aware of the required access permissions for linked resources

  • For the links to be displayed

  • They can be displayed as tiles on your target audience’s Homepage or within the “Links” tab in the left-hand navigation bar

  • Most recently added or updated links are pushed to the Homepage if the “Show on Home” toggle is enabled for this channel


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