How to Upload a Link

Uploading a link to your platform using the Uploader is a simple and effective way to share external content with your colleagues.

>>> This article is for Researchers and Insights Experts.

To upload a link to your platform: 

  1. Go to Upload from the left-hand side navigation bar
    Upload - navigation (1).png

  1. Click "Advanced Upload"

A window will pop up prompting you to select the type of content you want to upload.

  1. Select “Link”

  2. Give your link a title

  3. Paste or type in the link

  4. Enter a description

  5. Add a thumbnail image

  6. Define the language

  7. Add the categories to tag your link

  8. Click "Next" in the top right corner of the window

The next screen will ask you to define who will be able to view your document.

  1. Start typing in a username, email, or user group

  2. Select your audience from the dropdown

  3. Click “Publish” in the top right corner of the window

Your link will be published to your selected community, and you will be able to view it in Search as well as your upload history.


The next view will prompt you to view your document or share it with other users.

  1. Click “View“ if you want to view the uploaded document

Your uploaded link will open in a new tab.

  1. Click “Share“ if you want to send your document to a colleague

  2. Start typing in a username, email, or user group

  3. Select the needed users from the dropdown

  4. Enter a message, if desired

  5. Click the "Share" in the top right corner of the window

The document will be shared with the selected users.


Insider Tips:

  • You can only upload a link using the Advanced Upload feature

  • A thumbnail image is required to upload a link

  • Classifying your link as having an alternative language is only available on platforms where your company has requested this configuration

  • The selected tags are linked to the filters in Search, so using relevant tags will make it easier for users to find the uploaded content

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