How to Upload a Project

Uploading a project to your platform using the Uploader is a simple way to share your research with your colleagues. Quick Uploader allows you to upload in just three clicks. The Advanced Uploader enables you to add tags, ensuring the document is easily searchable and accessible when needed.

>>> This article is for Researchers and Insights Experts.


You have two options to upload a project to your platform - via Quick or Advanced Uploader.

To upload a project using the Quick Uploader: 

  1. Go to Upload from the left-hand side navigation bar

  2. Click on the Plus sign in the middle of the grey Upload dropzone

  1. Select “Project“

  2. Select the relevant project type

A file selector window will pop up.

  1. Select the necessary documents

  2. Click “Upload“ in the bottom right corner of the window

Alternatively, you can also drag and drop the documents onto the grey dropzone.

The document will be uploaded, auto-tagged and available on your platform.


To upload a project using Advanced Uploader: 

  1. Go to Upload from the left-hand side navigation bar

  2. Click "Advanced Upload"

A window will pop up prompting you to select the type of content you want to upload.

  1. Select “Project”

  2. Click “Browse Files” to choose a document

File selector window will pop up.

  1. Select the needed file(s)

  2. Click “Upload“ in the bottom right corner of the file selector

  3. Click “Continue” in the top right corner of the window

You will be prompted to review your files.

  1. Click "Continue" again if the right file was uploaded

The files will begin uploading and become visible in the upload history area.

Once your upload has been processed, a “Continue” button will appear under the “Actions” column of the upload history tracker.

  1. Click “Continue” under the “Actions” column


You will taken to the project view.

  1. Change the name of your project, if needed

  2. Provide your project with a comprehensive description

  3. Add a thumbnail image, if desired

  4. Add project start and end date by typing in the date or clicking on the Calendar icon 5.png and selecting the dates

  5. Select tags from the dropdowns, e.g. Region, Country, Category, etc.

  6. Fill in the rest of the field, if desired

You can review the documents you have uploaded by going to the respective tabs on the left-hand side panel. The platform will automatically assign it to the correct category.

Additionally, you can add more documents to the necessary sections.

  1. Navigate to the needed tab from the left-hand side panel

  2. Click on the Plus Sign icon on the middle of the grey drop zone

  1. Select the necessary documents

  2. Click “Publish“ in the top right corner of the view once all the necessary documents have been uploaded

The next screen will ask you to define who will be able to view your project.

  1. Start typing in a username, email, or user group

  2. Select your audience from the dropdown

  3. Click “Publish” in the bottom right corner of the window

Your project will be made available to your selected community on the platform.

The next view will prompt you to share the project with other users, if desired.

  1. Start typing in a username, email, or user group

  2. Select the needed users from the dropdown

  3. Enter a message, if desired

  4. Click the "Share" in the bottom right corner of the window

The document will be shared with the selected users.

Alternatively, copy the system-generated link by clicking “Copy Link“ and send via another medium, e.g., email or Teams. The link will only be usable by other users who have access to the platform.

If you don’t want to share the project, click “Cancel“ in the bottom right corner of the window.


Insider Tips:

  • There is no limit to the number of documents you can add to your project

  • Make sure you republish your project whenever you make any changes

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