How to Use Knowledge Injection to Search for Existing Knowledge

Knowledge Injection allows you to search for existing knowledge to include in your project brief, refine your project scope, and avoid duplicating previous research.

>>> This article is for Researchers and Insights Experts.

This article is about actively managed research projects and studies.

FYI - You might know Research Projects by another name - check out our glossary to find out!

To use Knowledge Injection to search for existing knowledge: 

  1. Navigate to the research project where you want to inject knowledge 
  2. Fill out key context information in the project brief 
  3. Click on the Idea IconIdea icon.png at the top right corner of the project view

The Knowledge Injection panel will open to the right of the main project view. It will automatically display existing research with a similar project setup. 

Knowledge Injection - RM.png

  1. Click on any of the results to view existing knowledge 

You will be able to view existing content and include it in your project, decide to refocus your project objectives. 

Insider Tip: 

  • Knowledge Injection is a tool available only on platforms that have been configured for research management 


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