Republishing your captured project allows you to update key project information and add or remove project documents, ensuring that your research stays up to date.
>>> This article is for Researchers and Insights Experts.
This article is about captured / uploaded projects.
To republish your captured project:
Go to your project
Update any fields in your “Project Overview”
Upload or remove your project documents by navigating to the other sections of your projects using the Project Panel on the left-hand side of your screen
Select “Republish” in the top right corner of your project view once all your changes have been made
A new window will pop up.
Edit a thumbnail image, if needed
Edit the project description, if needed
Click “Next” in the bottom right corner of the window
The next screen will ask you to choose who will be able to view your project – this is where you define permissions for your project.
Start typing in a username, email, or user group
Select your audience from the dropdown
Click on “Publish” in the bottom right corner of the window once you have selected your audience
Your project will be automatically republished, and you will be able to view the updates in Search as well from within the project.
Another window will pop up prompting you to share your research with other users.
Select the users to notify about your published research
Enter a message, if desired
Click “Share” in the bottom right corner of the window
The selected users will receive an automatic notification about your published research. They will also be able to view your research in Search.
Alternatively, you can share a system-generated link by clicking "Copy Link" in the bottom left corner of the window. Then you can paste the link to share it via another medium, e.g. Teams or email.