How to Add a News Feed to your Knowledge Zone

Adding a News Feed is an easy way to make your Knowledge Zone dynamic, ensuring the content stays fresh and relevant at all times.

>>> This article is for Researchers and Insights Experts.

FYI - You might know Knowledge Zones by another name - check out our glossary to find out!

To add a News Feed to a Knowledge Zone:

1. Find the Feed that you want to add to your Knowledge Zone

2. Click on the Three-Dot iconicon.pngto the right of the Feed title

3. Select “Add to Notebook”

4. Select where in the Notebook you want to save the FeedFeed to notebook.png

The feed will be saved automatically to the chosen collection within your Notebook.

5. Go to the Knowledge Zone where you would like to add this Feed

6. Navigate to the section where you want to add it

7. Click on the Notebook tab from the left-hand side navigation barNotebook content.png

8. Find and select the Notebook section where you added the Feed

9. Drag and drop the Feed directly into the section

The News Feed will be immediately added to your Knowledge Zone and will automatically update whenever new content is added.

Users can scroll through the Feed and interact with the contend.

When Clicking “Show all“, the user will be taken directly to the Feed.News Feed in KZ.png

Insider Tips:

  • Only internal experts with special platform permissions can edit Knowledge Zones

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