Embedding external content in a Report allows you to include all relevant reporting data in a central space that your colleagues can easily access.
>>> This article is for Researchers and Insights Experts.
FYI - You might know Reports by another name - check out our glossary to find out!
To embed external content in a Report:
Go to the Reporting app from the left-hand side navigation bar
Switch to the Curate view at the top of the page
Stay in the Reports tab
Click on the Reporting Container where you want to publish a new Report
Click “Add Report Wave“ at the bottom of the Report panel on the left-hand side
A new window will pop up where you can confirm the addition of the Report Wave.
Click “Add“ at the bottom right corner of the pop up
A new view will open, allowing you to review and update details about the report.
Find Documents and Links section
Click in the center of the gray drop zone to add content
A dropdown menu will appear where you can select the type of content you want to add.
Select “Embed Link”
A new window will pop up where you can enter key information about the link.
Give your link a descriptive title
Select the type of link from the "Type" dropdown menu
Paste or type in the link address
Enter a concise and informative description
Upload a thumbnail image
Click “Add” in the bottom right corner of the window
The content will be embedded in the report wave once it is published. You can continue to add content to the Report Wave before publishing.
Insider Tips:
Only internal experts with special platform permissions can add new waves to Report Container
If content from a password-protected site is embedded users will need to either log into the system with their password or access the content via an SSO connection
You can only add reporting content if your platform has been configured to include the Reporting module