Adding an external reporting dashboard to a Reporting Channel embeds the reporting dashboard directly into the channel, saving time and effort while eliminating the need to visit several sites to find key reporting data.
>>> This article is for Researchers and Insights Experts.
FYI - You might know Reports by another name - check out our glossary to find out!
To add a reporting dashboard from an external source to your Reporting Channel to a new channel section:
Go to the Reporting app from the left-hand side navigation bar
Switch to the Curate view at the top of the page
Navigate to the “Reporting Channels” tab
Find and select the Reporting Channel where you want to add a dashboard
The channel editor will open.
Click the Plus Sign icon
in the top right corner of the screen
A dropdown with two options will appear.
Select “Add Report Widget”
A new window will pop up where you can add a title, thumbnail image, and description for the widget.
Add a descriptive title
Upload a thumbnail image – this will be visible to users in Search
Enter a clear and concise description
Click “Done“ in the bottom right corner of the window
The section will automatically load, and you can begin adding content.
Move to the newly created section
Click on the empty placeholder with the Plus Sign
A new window will pop up where you can select one or more widgets to add.
Enter a search term or manually browse for the widgets you want to add
Tick the checkbox in the top right corner of the widget(s) you want to add
Click “Add“ in the bottom right corner of the window once you are done selecting content
The widgets will be added to the section within your Reporting Channel.
Insider Tips:
Only internal experts with special platform permissions can add and edit content in Reporting Channels
You can only edit Reporting Channels if your platform has been configured to include the Reporting module
Reporting dashboards are only available from sources that are integrated with your platform