How to Delete a Project in Your Project Inbox

Deleting projects from your Conduct Research Inbox keeps your inbox clutter-free and up to date which allows you to focus on active and relevant projects.

>>> This article is for Researchers and Insights Experts.

FYI - You might know Project Inbox by another name - check out our glossary to find out!

To delete a project in your Conduct Research Inbox:

  1. Navigate to your Project inbox by clicking “Research” in the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Find the project you want to delete – either by using the search feature in the top right corner of your Project Inbox or by browsing through the pages of the Inbox using the scrolling arrows in the bottom-right hand corner

  3. Click on the Three-Dot icon e2.png on the left-hand side of the project record

  4. Select "Delete"


The project will be immediately deleted from your Conduct Research Inbox.


Insider Tips:

  • Once you delete a project it is not recoverable – be 100% sure that you don’t need the project or any of its content anymore

  • If you're not ready to delete the project but want to pause or stop work, you can select either “Suspend” or “Stop Project” from the Three-Dot icon. “Suspend” will put your project on hold, while “Stop Project” will cancel it.



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