How to Update a Published Project

Adding content to a published project from your Project Inbox is a convenient way to make sure your project is up to date and that any additional information is available for your user community. 

>>> This article is for Researchers and Insights Experts.

FYI - You might know Project Inbox by another name - check out our glossary to find out!

To add content to a published project: 

  1. Navigate to your Project inbox by clicking “Research” in the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Find the project you want to update

  3. Click anywhere in the row with your selected projects

Your project will open in your current window.

  1. Upload or remove documents as needed

  2. Update any fields you want to change

  3. Click on the “Republish” button in the top right corner of the project window

The updates you have made will be added to your project and the changes will be automatically saved. Any content you remove will no longer be visible in the project or in Search.  


Insider Tip: 

  • Before removing any documents you might need in the future, make sure to download and save them by clicking the Download icon c4.png next to the document name


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