How to Transfer Notebook Collection Content

Transferring content from one Notebook Collection to another is a straightforward and efficient way to organize platform content into useful groups that you can share and use to curate insights. 

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To move and sort content in your Notebook collections:

1. Click on Notebook in the left-hand navigation bar to open the Notebook shortcut

Open notebook (7).png

You can open the Notebook in full-screen by clicking the Expand iconExpand Notebook.pngon the Notebook shortcut, or resize it by dragging the bottom right corner.

2. Find the collection with the content you want to move in the left-hand Notebook panel

Notebook collections.png

3. Click on the title

4. Drag and drop your content into the collection where you want it saved

Your content will be automatically saved to the selected Notebook Collection where you can view, organize, and share its contents.


Insider Tip: 

  • When you move content, it will no longer appear in the original collection. However, you can transfer it back if needed

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