How to Find Shared Notebook Collections

Using and sharing Notebook Collections is a simple and effective way to make interesting and valuable content readily available to your team and colleagues.

>>> This article is for Everyone.

To find and view Notebook Collections that have been shared with you: 

1. Click on Notebook in the left-hand navigation bar to open the Notebook shortcut

Open notebook (3).png

You can also open the Notebook in full-screen by clicking the Expand iconExpand Notebook.pngon the Notebook shortcut, or resize it by dragging the bottom right corner.

2. Find the “Shared Collections” section in the left-hand Notebook panel

Any collections that have been shared with you will be visible there. To access the collection, simply click on it.

Shared collections.png


Insider Tips:

  • An automatic notification will be sent to you when someone shares a Notebook Collection with you
  • You will not be able to edit the Notebook Collection
  • To see individual documents that have been shared with you, click on “Shared with Me” at the top of the Notebook panel

Shared with me.png

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