How to Add Content to Your Notebook

Adding content to your Notebook is a great way to save and share interesting content.

>>> This article is for Everyone.


You have a few options to save content to your Favorites collection.


To add content via the Notebook shortcut:

1. Click on Notebook in the left-hand navigation bar to open the Notebook shortcut

Open notebook.png

 2. Drag and drop Content Cards directly into the Notebook shortcut

Your content will be automatically added to your Notebook.


To add content via the Bookmark icon:

  1. Find the content you want to save to your notebook
  2. Click on the Bookmark iconBookmark - add to notebook.pngin the top right corner of a content card
  3. Select where in the Notebook you want to save the content

Save - bookmark icon.png

Your content will be automatically added to your Notebook.


To add content from a Project or a Document preview using the Three-Dot iconicon.png

  1. Locate the content you want to save to your collection
  2. Click on the Three-Dot Iconicon.pngin the top right corner of the view
  3. Select the option "Add To"
  4. Choose "Notebook"
  5. Select where in the Notebook you want to save the content

Adding document to the notebook.png

Your content will be automatically saved to your Favorites, where you can revisit it and reuse it whenever you need it.


Insider Tips: 

  • When adding content using the Bookmark icon, you can choose to add content to your "Favorites" or any Collection you have created
  • To view the Notebook in full screen, click the Expand icon 7.pngon the Notebook shortcut, or drag the bottom right corner to resize it

Expanding_resizing notebook.png

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