How to Delete a Notebook Collection

Deleting a Notebook Collection allows you to remove outdated or unnecessary content, ensuring your Notebook stays relevant and organized.

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To delete a Notebook Collection: 

1. Click on Notebook in the left-hand navigation bar to open the Notebook shortcut

Open notebook (11).png

You can open the Notebook in full-screen by clicking the Expand Expand Notebook.pngicon on the Notebook shortcut, or resize it by dragging the bottom right corner.

2. Find the collection you want to delete in the left-hand Notebook panel

3. Hover your cursor over the title of this collection or click to open it

4. Click on the Three-Dot iconicon.png that appears to the right of the collection’s title

5. Select “Delete”

Deleting collection - notebook.png

The collection and all its contents will be immediately deleted.


Insider Tip: 

  • Once a Notebook Collection has been deleted, it cannot be retrieved – be 100% sure you no longer need any of the content



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