How to Publish a Knowledge Zone

Publishing a Knowledge Zone takes it out of editor mode and makes it available to the broader user community on the platform which lets others benefit from your expertise.

>>> This article is for Researchers and Insights Experts.

FYI - You might know Knowledge Zones by another name - check out our glossary to find out!

To publish your Knowledge Zone: 

  1. Open a new or existing Knowledge Zone
  2. Click on the “Publish" in the top right corner

A window will pop up, prompting you to add important information to your Knowledge Zone:

  1. Click on the grey plus sign to add a thumbnail image from your desktop
  2. Update the Title field to give your Knowledge Zone a descriptive name
  3. Add a description
  4. Select tags from the different Classification dropdown menus
  5. Click “Next”

Choose an audience for your Knowledge Zone:

  1. Click the dropdown menu under the Viewers field
  2. Click on or type in the name of colleagues or groups who you want to be able to access your published Knowledge Zone
  3. Type and select “Everyone” if you want everyone on the platform to have access to it
  4. Click “Next”
  5. Click “Publish”

Your Knowledge Zone will be published to your selected audience and available in the Search and Strategic Knowledge area of their platforms.


Curate Knowledge_How to publish a Knowledge Zone.gif

Insider Tips: 

  • Adding a relevant thumbnail image to your Knowledge Zone will encourage your colleagues to open it, once it is published on the platform
  • Be as descriptive as you can when filling out any text fields (title, description, and Knowledge Zone content) because they are indexed by the search engine
  • Classification tags correspond with Search filters and help your colleagues find your Knowledge Zone


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