Personal Newsletters help you stay up to date on the topics most important to you by delivering a daily, weekly, or monthly newsletter tailored to your interests directly to your email inbox.
>>> This article is for Everyone.
FYI - You might know News by another name - check out our glossary to find out!
To configure your Personal Newsletter:
Go to your Profile by clicking the User Profile tab at the bottom of the left-hand navigation
Navigate to the Preferences tab
Turn on the toggle “Subscribe to your personal newsletter“ if you have not done it so far
Once the Personal Newsletter is activated, additional fields will appear, allowing you to define how frequently you want to be notified and what to include in your newsletter.
Navigate to the Newsletter Frequency field
Choose how often you want to receive updates: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly
Choose one or more News Feeds to include in your personalized newsletter
If you have set up search alerts, you can also add them to your newsletter.
Navigate to the Subscribed Alerts field
Choose one or more alerts to include in your newsletter
Click "Update"
Your preferences will be saved and applied to the next newsletter delivered to your inbox.