How to add DeepSights™ to your MS Teams

Important - Please note to activate the DeepSights app in MS Teams this application needs to be connected by your IT administrator. 

Get answers when you need them and where you need them!

Business applications such as Microsoft Teams can be connected with DeepSights to allow you to ask your questions and get answers from the most convenient places like MS Teams. Can’t wait to get started?  It just takes one step to integrate DeepSights ™ into your Microsoft Teams.


To add DeepSightsTM Assistant to your MS teams:

Go to MS Teams and add the “DeepSightsTM Assistant” app from the App store which you can find on the lower left side of MS Teams.



Chat 1on1 with DeepSightsTM assistant:
You can chat with the DeepSights assistant in a 1on1 chat by asking a question and mentioning @deepsightsassitant. 


Add “DeepSightsTM assistant” to any group chat conversation:
Simply mention @deepsightsassitant and ask a question, e.g. “What are the media preferences for Gen Z?”


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