How to Move a Desk Research Section

Moving a section in your Desk Research lets you create a logical and engaging structure that helps your target audience find the answers they need. 

>>> This article is for Researchers and Insights Experts.

To move sections within a piece of Desk Research: 

  1. Open a new or existing piece of Desk Research 
  2. Navigate to a section you want to move  
  3. Click the Gear Icon blobid0.pngin the top right corner of the section  
  4. Find the “General” section 
  5. Click on the Dropdown Icon 

A list of four movement options will be displayed. 

Move to Top:  

The section will move to the topmost spot on the page  

Move to Bottom:  

The section will move to the bottommost section of the page  

Move Up:  

The section will move one place up  

Move Down:  

The section will move one place down  

  1. Select an option by clicking on it 

Your section will move according to your choice.   

Click “Remove Section” if you want to delete a section from your Desk Research. 

Insider Tip: 

  • Only users with specific permissions can use Desk Research 



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